Doctors In Distress Blogs
National Tree Week – Carolyn Peers Head of Operations
Reflections on the Doctors in Distress Memorial Tree Campaign for National Tree Week As National Tree Week approaches, it feels right to pause and...
My Journey to Rebellious Health
Dr Emma Presern This week is National Self-Care week. As a GP trainee, my mental health took a nose dive in 2019 and I learnt the hard and lonely...
A Job Like No Other
Why next time I will do better standing up for my GP at the pub – or anywhere else I will not be alone in valuing a walk with a friend or a girls’...
What Works For Wellbeing?- 5 Fundamentals
by Dr Anna Baverstock and Dr Jess Morgan Dr Anna Baverstock is a consultant community paediatrician at Somerset Hospitals Foundation Trust and lead...
Selfcare not suicide
I am more likely to die by suicide now than I was five years ago. Why? Because when my husband, Steve, took his own life without warning in 2018, I...
Alzheimer’s Disease: The Great Leveller
‘Mum did something really weird today’ said my non-medical sister to my brother and I. I looked up and took note, as there was something in the tone...
Diary of a Stressed Medic: Part 2
I get off the phone with L and breathe a sigh of relief. At least that’s done. Now I need a GP appointment. I call and get an emergency on the day...
Fairfield Hospital – Memorial Tree planted on 24th June 2024
Speech written for the occasion by Osman Dar, NCA /colleague Wellbeing Chaplain We can learn a lot from trees. Symbol of life, hope, joy, shelter,...
Diary of a Stressed Medic: I Can’t Come Into Work Today
On Wednesday I called my rota-coordinator, L, and I had the mammoth task of trying to put into words how I’ve been feeling for the past two months....
Doctors in Distress CEO’s 5K Every Day Challenge
Since Doctors in Distress started its annual 5K in May fundraiser four years ago, I made a promise – to walk 5K every day of that month. Walking is...
Our New Partnership with Acute and General Medicine (AGM)
We are proud to have formed a partnership with Acute and General Medicine (AGM), the largest UK conference and exhibition for consultants and...
Doctors In Distress host an event at Number 11 Downing Street
I founded the charity Doctors in Distress more than five years ago, with the hope of bringing a spotlight to a taboo topic of adverse mental health...
Doctors in Distress launches a new partnership with the Medical Defence Union
Doctors in Distress is delighted to be launching our partnership with the Medical Defence Union (MDU) to provide much needed wellbeing support to...
Cygnet Raise £11,220 for Doctors In Distress
Cygnet’s CEO, Dr Tony Romero, was delighted to welcome colleagues from the charity, Doctors in Distress, to celebrate a fantastic fundraising total...
Group Facilitator, Explains How Our Peer Support Groups Work
It is an honour and a privilege to work for an organisation as worthy as Doctors in Distress. It’s been two years now since I began facilitating...
Planting Memorial Trees with Adam Kay
Although I began one of my recent posts with the phrase ‘it is an honour’, it needs saying again. It is truly a privilege to work with leadership...
“No healthcare without self-care” – My experience of using the NHS by Sarah Hampton, Doctors in Distress Ambassador
I am a regular user of healthcare services: I have had Type 1 diabetes for over 50 years; I have two children both born in a hospital; and I have...
Expressive Writing Groups with The Royal Literary Fund by Lisa Evans
The Royal Literary Fund pays professional published writers to work in universities, schools, workplaces and organisations using their skills to...
Doctors in Distress Bereavement Group by Ann Paul, Doctors in Distress CEO
On Friday 28th October, I had the privilege of attending the Doctors in Distress Bereavement Group at the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Our Chair,...
Doctors in Distress Logo Redesign
Doctors in Distress have redesigned their logo to reflect their updated vision, values and services from when the charity first began in 2019. The...
Guest Blog: 4 Audiobooks For A Doctor’s Self-Care by Aida Claire
Being a doctor can be fulfilling, but the nature of a doctor's work can also be very stressful. As reported in 2021, by the General Medical Council,...
Guest Blog: Granting Ourselves Permission – Why Is It So Hard? by Dr Samantha Anthony
Self-care and regular breaks are essential for our well being at work, but is the lack of “permission” at the heart of why we don’t achieve these...
‘Lonely In A Sea Of People’ by The Bipolar Doc
I am very much one of those all or nothing people. No matter how hard I try to change that, I still struggle to do things by halves. So it’s not...
Podcast: “In Conversation With Dame Clare Gerada” Surgical Spirit with Dr Haidar Al-Hakim
Our Chair, Dame Clare Gerada recently chatted to Dr Haidar Al-Hakim on his podcast 'Surgical Spirit', sharing stories about her life and career.
Guest Blog: The First Step – The Bipolar Doc
The first stepShe hands me the prescription.“Sertraline 50mg, Once daily”I stare at it. Numb. Exhausted. Hopeless. Helpless. I bundle my 6 month old...
Podcast: “Who’s Holding the Hope?” A conversation with Dame Clare Gerada
Our Chair, Dame Clare Gerada featured on Dr Paula Redmond's podcast on 14th February 2022, sharing her thoughts on the effects of the pandemic for...
A Doctor’s View: Consequences of burnout in medicine – Podcast
"Our evaluations have show that we've seen improvement in Long COVID symptoms, healthcare workers feel less isolated and better supported by their...
An Interview with Emma Dillon
Interview Blog with Emma Dillon, participant of our Nurses and Allied Healthcare Workers Long COVID Support Group After participating in our nurses...
A Cardiologist Seeks Certainty by Denise Bundred
A Cardiologist Seeks Certainty by Denise Bundred Expressive Writing Group Participant, published by The Hippocrates Press 2016. I spread cold gel on...
Bird 1 by Mary McGee Jolliffe – Support Group Facilitator
Bird 1 The bird is waiting. The bird must fly, it’s the time, soon, of change. A change of time and pattern. The next year, as the Sun moves North,...